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As a telepsychology provider in New York, I exclusively provide video sessions over a HIPAA compliant platform. Clients who prefer remote video therapy over in person care simply need to be physically present in the state of New York at the time of their sessions. 

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Here are some of the population - specific presentations that I treat in my practice:

  • Emerging adults

  • College students

  • Older adults (Life transitions, gains, losses)

  • Veterans/Military personnel and their families

  • Women (Pregnancy-related anxiety and/or depression, postpartum anxiety and/or depression, birth trauma, work-life balance)

  • Christian counseling (Integration of spiritually oriented interventions)

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Professional psychotherapy services are provided to individuals who would like to experience a reduction of distressing symptoms and achieve increased mental health stability. I value a collaborative approach, and I listen to clients' goals. I believe in individualized treatment journeys, as no two clients' journeys are the same. My work utilizes Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT), and Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy (TLDP).

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Services are provided to partners who are seeking couples therapy, premarital counseling, and marriage counseling. Couples therapy can be beneficial for couples who are struggling with communication, trust, and intimacy as well as partners who are happy and want to grow even stronger together.


I have worked with clients for over a decade who struggle with alcohol and substance misuse as well as other addictive behaviors. Clients are too beautifully complex to be reduced to their addictions. I help clients to see the contributing factors to the onset and maintenance of their addictions. Clients have a safe space to learn tools to be successful within harm reduction or abstinence approaches.

Here are some of the addictions that are treated in my practice:

  • Alcohol misuse

  • Substance misuse

  • Pornography

  • Food


Clients can present to therapy with complicated or uncomplicated grief reactions. I am particularly interested in assisting with grief associated with spousal loss or a relationship that has become estranged. Some clients reach out to work on grief tied to the Covid 19 pandemic, as losses of different kinds have been experienced. Clients are invited to go on a journey through grief at their own pace. I will never give clients the message that working through grief has to be done in a certain timeframe. As many have experienced firsthand, grief does not have an expiration date.

Here are some of the grief presentations that I treat in my practice:

  • Spousal loss

  • Loss of a parent

  • Estrangement within a friendship

  • Separation from a spouse

  • Grief and loss tied to the pandemic


Here are some of the depressive disorders that I treat in my practice:

  • Major depression

  • Bipolar conditions


​Here are some of the anxiety disorders that I treat in my practice:

  • Social anxiety

  • Generalized anxiety

  • Anxiety, unspecified 

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​Here are some of the other areas of focus that I treat in my practice:

  • Infertility, pregnancy loss and miscarriage

  • Adoption issues

  • Life transitions

  • Aging concerns

  • Anger issues

  • Burnout

  • Compassion fatigue

  • Divorce

  • Personal growth

  • Psychology Today

I have learned now that while those who speak about one's miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more.”

C.S. Lewis

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